My Story

Project Beautiful came to be through a series of personal thoughts. As a hairstylist, I come across many girls of all ages. I have many teenage clients. I began to notice a trend in these young ladies. It seemed to me they had a lack of confidence. Many were very shy and some would hardly speak to me, much less make eye contact. These thoughts began to roll around in my head, “Maybe if she knew how to wax her eyebrows, fix her hair, dress her body, or put on makeup…she would see her beauty”. These series of thoughts began to evolve in my mind. I didn’t want these girls to just know about fashion, hair, and makeup, I wanted to see them connect all of these things with their true self, which comes from within.

Maybe the reason I felt so strongly for these girls was because I knew all the insecurities that I had faced. You see, I was considered beautiful, popular, well off, the girl who had it all. No one knew of my inner struggles. It was a very intense battle within me. I didn’t feel beautiful all the time. In fact, that was a big rollercoaster ride for me. I would be up and then very down on myself. Regarding popularity, I felt that if these people really knew me they would not like me very much. I did have nice things growing up but it never made all these other feelings go away. I came from a loving and supportive home. I was encouraged to believe that I was loved and had value.

So what went wrong? Maybe because I had a secret that not a soul knew about till I was 19. It shaped the way I saw myself. I felt I was bad and I was afraid that people could see right through me. It has taken many years for me to come to a place of rest in my life. Through God, family and friends I feel content with who I am. I know I haven’t fully arrived at being completely confident because these struggles still bare their nasty teeth at me from time to time. But I thank God for bringing me this far. It’s funny how life works. God uses all those things that were meant to destroy you, and turns them into something beautiful. I was healed and through Him my story can bring healing to others. I feel privileged to be a part of His plan and I’m honored to walk with all the ladies who make Project Beautiful actually happen.